False Religions
Nothing curdles my blood quicker than Catholics who play patty-cake with false relgions.
Let's cut the issue down to the bone: False religions don't get you to Heaven. It doesn't matter how many "grains of truth" they have. If an adherent of one does get to Heaven (by the Grace of God), it's despite his attachment to one of these spiritual lies and not due to it.
Indeed, the general objection of gentle and tolerant people is that God is too merciful to damn a person who has never had access to Truth, or in some twist of strangulated logic, a fair chance at the acceptance of that Truth that they have in fact heard.
But to be outside the Sacraments is to be outside all of the salves and medications God gives us for our souls. So, if we pardon those ignorant of Christ of said ignorance, we must still contend with the truth that they will die with the stain of Original Sin and all those mortal sins they may have accumulated. If a man of some pagan or incorrect monotheistic stripe had an adulterous affair 40 years ago, and knew it was wrong when he did it, unless he gets himself cleansed, he dies with it.
You or I could go to Confession. This poor sod can't, even with repentance, outside the Church.
When a Catholic buttresses one of these wayward children in their error, even in the slightest way, even under the umbrella of social nicety, that Catholic is doing the work of the Deceiver.
Imagine St. Peter making nice-nice with worshippers of Bacchus, seeing in their drunken sex orgies "a glimpse of the joy only The Lord provides," and telling them such in a flatulent and compromising encyclical.
Did God Himself come down from Heaven and subject himself to torture and death so that we could choose from 31 Flavors of Religion? Did countless European missionaries die because they thought the American Indians were A-OK with their blood cults and nature worship? You may as well spit on a picture of St. Isaac Jogues as encourage a false religion.
Of course in the Brave New Jacobin World we have freedom of religion, insofar as Sing-Sing isn't crammed full of Roundheads or Huguenots or Nonconformists. But pity to the poor Catholic in Hades, millstone hung around his neck and shackled next to the sad pagan whose freedom of religion he encouraged.
Let's cut the issue down to the bone: False religions don't get you to Heaven. It doesn't matter how many "grains of truth" they have. If an adherent of one does get to Heaven (by the Grace of God), it's despite his attachment to one of these spiritual lies and not due to it.
Indeed, the general objection of gentle and tolerant people is that God is too merciful to damn a person who has never had access to Truth, or in some twist of strangulated logic, a fair chance at the acceptance of that Truth that they have in fact heard.
But to be outside the Sacraments is to be outside all of the salves and medications God gives us for our souls. So, if we pardon those ignorant of Christ of said ignorance, we must still contend with the truth that they will die with the stain of Original Sin and all those mortal sins they may have accumulated. If a man of some pagan or incorrect monotheistic stripe had an adulterous affair 40 years ago, and knew it was wrong when he did it, unless he gets himself cleansed, he dies with it.
You or I could go to Confession. This poor sod can't, even with repentance, outside the Church.
When a Catholic buttresses one of these wayward children in their error, even in the slightest way, even under the umbrella of social nicety, that Catholic is doing the work of the Deceiver.
Imagine St. Peter making nice-nice with worshippers of Bacchus, seeing in their drunken sex orgies "a glimpse of the joy only The Lord provides," and telling them such in a flatulent and compromising encyclical.
Did God Himself come down from Heaven and subject himself to torture and death so that we could choose from 31 Flavors of Religion? Did countless European missionaries die because they thought the American Indians were A-OK with their blood cults and nature worship? You may as well spit on a picture of St. Isaac Jogues as encourage a false religion.
Of course in the Brave New Jacobin World we have freedom of religion, insofar as Sing-Sing isn't crammed full of Roundheads or Huguenots or Nonconformists. But pity to the poor Catholic in Hades, millstone hung around his neck and shackled next to the sad pagan whose freedom of religion he encouraged.
half truthes are the same as a lie.
satan used parial truth to deceive eve in the garden and uses the same tactics tday using man and religons that weave the two ,to make it believable.shame on those who do not read the word and try the spirit to see if what they hear is truth or tickling their ear.
half truthes are the same as a lie.
satan used parial truth to deceive eve in the garden and uses the same tactics tday using man and religons that weave the two ,to make it believable.shame on those who do not read the word and try the spirit to see if what they hear is truth or tickling their ear.
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