When Muslims kill, liberals are to blame
Terrorists are going to try to kill Americans this summer, in a big way. Allegedly, they think killing 40 million Americans will be satifactory. For every person a Muslim kills in America, you liberals have blood on your hands.
You set about to destroy Christianity, destroy our military, and flood our nation with hostile immigrants. You will have to answer to God for your part in September 11, insofar as you voted for and supported politicians that shorn our defenses from Islamic jihadis. You share in the blame. And you'll share in the blame when they do it again. May God have mercy on you.
You set about to destroy Christianity, destroy our military, and flood our nation with hostile immigrants. You will have to answer to God for your part in September 11, insofar as you voted for and supported politicians that shorn our defenses from Islamic jihadis. You share in the blame. And you'll share in the blame when they do it again. May God have mercy on you.