Parrots can eat with spoons?
Creepy. And they can talk! Could you eat mush while standing on one foot?
Your humble host, case in point, is a Norwegian-Mohawk "half-breed," Anglophone, raised in the Roman Rite, and practicing in the Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church. The roots are thin. English is not the language of my backgrounds, nor Ukrainian, and 75% of my blood is not of this soil and has only been here since about AD 1860. At least 25% of me lives on the ancestral land of my Iroquois ancestors. There is no other person with my peculiar combination.
To American ears, that makes me "an individual." (Tangentially, the word "individual" used to be an adjective, and not a dehumanized Enlightenment-tinged synonym for "person.") But it really makes me a foreigner, which is almost all that the U.S. is comprised of anymore.
If, as HH John Paul II has said, the family is the root of society, what family do we really have? Traditional cultures understand that a "nuclear family" is the building block of the extended family, which flows into clans or tribes, several of which then comprise a Nation. The Nation is an extended family of its own.
This disconnectedness is the direct cause of our atomized identity politics and the American yearning "to belong." And it contributes to the void in many people's hearts that they try to fill with consumerism, sex, or drugs.
Is it any surprise then, that as a Nation, we North American Anglophone Catholics are in shambles? In the context of our larger discussion, adding Hispanics into the mix will only make matters more muddled.
There is very little we can do proactively to improve the mess: Close the borders, keep our marriages to other Anglophone Catholics, and improve our offsprings' appreciation of the little common history that we have. We must also impose our standards (English and Catholicism) as the standards of the state. Other than that, only time will gel us together, as it eventually turned a disparate collection of Celts, Saxons, Danes, and Normans into Englishmen.
Advocating that cultural types keep to themselves in marriage is a heresy to most Melting Pot believers, but if we don't, we will follow the Iceni, the Jutes, the Ainu, the Latini, the Tocharians, the Dorics, and countless others into nothingness.