CIV DAY '05 DIARY - 4:07PM

The phone was busted at EB Games, and yesterday their shipment didn't arrive. Was there with a pile of angry, vicious moms, as the assistant manager had to run through yesterday's and today's shipments (10 boxes worth), to look for our goods.
Apparently, there is some new Nintendo DS out that all the kids want, so the soccer moms all sharpened their fingernails when the shipment didn't come in yesterday. Thankfully, she first hit upon the Civilization box.
Then, we waited as she had to log in all 90 items before selling anything from that box. Agonizing.
Finally got my Collector's Edition and bought the hint book (not a usual practice, more just for the bedside Civ reading it'll provide). Squealed like a girl once in the car.
Opted to give Saladin a try for my first run-through. Got it handed to me by Tokugawa about two hours later in the Dark Ages/Early Middle Ages. Strategy is completely different now.
Also, my PC is more than up to the challenge (For W: game requires a P4, 1.8 HZ, 512 RAM, 1.7 gigs free), but my graphics cards doesn't have "T&L," whatever that is. Thus, currently playing on the low graphics setting. Bummer.
In a strange coincidence from enjoying a Shatner album this morning, Leonard Nimoy does voice-over work! Wow!
Taking a shower next, finally. Then out to pick up libations for the evening. Generally a beer man; but might opt for something special tonight, maybe Akavit-and-soda (seltzer, not Pepsi, duh!).
Wife will be home at 5 or 5:30pm. She'll want me to waste time doing something like cooking dinner, or spending time with her.
Note to self: Cash in sobriety chips from CivAnon. Make sure to call my sponsor.